A powerful and necessary read. Highly Recommended.
* Canadian Author and Content
School is out for the summer and Brick MacAvoy, like any other 15 year old, is looking to make some cash. Most 15 year old boys would be saving up to buy their first car, but Brick is trying to put enough money away
Through the experiences of Brick, Jill MacLean shares with the reader the feelings of pain, anger, and revenge that victims of abuse undergo. Most importantly, through the events in the story the reader is able to empathize with Brick and begins to understand the incredible struggles that abuse victims face every day. His struggles aren't just about getting revenge, they go much deeper than that. Brick's peers consider him as a bully, his dad thinks he is a wimp, his neighbors think of him as a hard worker, and to his sister he is a hero. How can one person be viewed so differently? Is it possible to break free from stereotypes? Learn how Brick discovers answers to these questions, challenges his sense of identity and place in this world, and how he discovers the important role that he plays in stopping the vicious cycle of abuse that affects his entire family. By the end of the book readers will be cheering Brick on from the sidelines.
Although Brick's story is fictitious, it is a reality for far too many young people. According to Unicef's The State of The World Children Report 2009 between 500 million and 1.5 billion children experience violence each year. Many cases of abuse are not reported each year, and just like Brick, many people are afraid to report as it may put them and their loved ones in jeopardy. Reading this story may empower some of our readers to talk to someone, and may even enlighten those who are quick to judge and label.
Reviews and Awards
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Saskatchewan Curriculum Connections
- English Language Arts: Personal and Philosophical Context, Social, Cultural, and Historical Context
- Social Studies: Power and Authority
- Health: Develop the understanding, skills, and confidences necessary to take action to improve health.